There are many reasons for superficial white, brown, grey or orange spots on the surfaces of teeth. Often these spots are objectionable as they are unsightly.

Porcelain Veneers / Composite Veneers
There are many reasons for superficial white, brown, grey or orange spots on the surfaces of teeth. Often these spots are objectionable as they are unsightly. The discoloration(s) on the teeth can be covered with porcelain veneers or composite veneers. Similarly, mild cases of crooked teeth can be corrected in this manner. A dentist will need to assess which of these would be applicable. Porcelain veneers are thin, custom made pieces of porcelain that are bonded/ glued onto teeth very much like a false finger nail does onto the natural finger nail. The teeth are minimally prepared and are therefore NOT a reversible procedure. This procedure takes 2 appointments.
Composite veneers are fillings that are placed on top of the teeth that require it. This happens in one appointment and is a reversible procedure.
If you need free and impartial advice about your oral health, feel free to contact us.

Call Alexander Heights Clinic
(08) 9343 5900

Call Hepburn Heights Clinic
(08) 9448 0804